Monday, February 13, 2012

Mrs. Doubtfire

Mrs. Doubtfire was created in 1993, it stars Robin Williams (Flubber, Jack), Sally Field (Forrest Gump, Steal Magnolias), and is directed by Chris Colombus. The movie centers around a man who is going through a divorce and is fighting a serious custody battle. The court only allows him a little bit of time each week to see his children so he goes to drastic measures to see them more.

He sees that his wife is looking to hire a nanny so he decides to, with the help of his brother, dress up as an older woman and try to get the job. He knows his wife very well so he knows exactly what to do to get the job and it totally worked. For a long time it worked out and everyone was really enjoying the arrangment but soon his son will learn the truth and then all the children find out. This was a hilarious movie and I have always loved it. Its great for all ages and has some amazing actors. I would recommend it to anyone! :)


  1. This is such a great classic. I used to love this movie.

  2. I love this movie! This is by far one of my favorites. It is so hilarious! XD

  3. This is a great movie. My favorite part is when Robin Williams throws the remote and it lands in the fish tank.

  4. Great movie. I should see if it's on Netflix.

  5. One of my favorite movies of all time. Love Robin Williams too.

  6. Oh my goodness!!! I LOVE this movie. Now I am going to go home and watch it. I love the part when Robin Williams throws the fruit when they are at the pool!! :)

  7. Iv'e never seen this movie before but it looks pretty funny!

  8. This is a good movie!! Haven't seen it in so long

  9. i love this of the very few i have seem.

  10. I haven't seen Robin Williams in anything in a long time. I remember liking this movie when I saw it a really long time ago!
